March 5th, 2022

On March 5th, 2022, Jerry White Jr. & Joe Hornacek reunite on the THIRTY-YEAR anniversary of the premiere of 30 MINUTES OF MADNESS and talk to each other—-and other people even! For Part 1 of this 30YOM Podcast, Jerry & Joe, plus special guest Jesus Rivera, talk about various things including Mt. Dew, Brothers Quay, Sesame Street, W-Vibe, and the faces you make as you get older.
Whoa, what? Jerry and Joe record an audio commentary for episode 1 of 30MOM on its birthday. Because the fans asked for it? No! Actually, no one asked for it, but that’s how we do it. You can watch and listen along here: 30MOM Episode 1.

30 Years of Madness reunion at VTFF2022

30 Years of Madness VTFF Reunion
From left to right: Lucian, Willow Petlock, Dan Augustine, Dennis Petlock, Andy Menko, Susan Pipper, Jerry White Jr., Shane Oesterling, Frank Stephens, Alana Carlson
In August of 2022, various cast and crew reunited for an encore screening of “30 Minutes of Madness 15” and “20 Years of Madness” at the fifth-annual Vidlings & Tapeheads Film Festival, following up with a Q&A and posing for literally just the one group photo.
Joe at VTFF2022
Joe fields questions at the PCP Robot Q&A
In addition to screening the doc and latest show, VTFF2022 played a handful of originial-run 30MOM skits, such as Don’t Smoke Pot, Andy Menko Lip-syncs the Greatest Hits of Billy Ocean, and PCP Robot, for which director/creator Joe Hornacek took to the stage to talk about his inspirations and process.