Vidlings & Tapeheads Art Show

A night of art, music, and fun showcasing work created by the cast and crew of the mid-90s Metro Detroit Public Access Television Show 30 MINUTES OF MADNESS!

Group Show, Rafa’s Gallery, Los Angeles | April 14-16, 2012

Video edited by Jerry White Jr., Michael Newman. Footage shot by Michael Newman, Jeremy Royce, Will Jobe. MX-12 installation and footage by Calder Greenwood. Music by Jerry White Jr.

Rafa’s Lounge Art Gallery
1836 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026

It’s an art show! It’s a party! It’s FREE!! VIDLINGS & TAPEHEADS is a mixed-media group show celebrating the twenty-year creative legacy of an eclectic group of ’90s DIY Michigan teens and twentysomethings and their Public Access TV show “30 MINUTES OF MADNESS.” 30MOM premiered on March 5th, 1992 and is a bizarre video mixtape of improv and written skits, non-sequitor vérité samples, and experimental video art. 30MOM embraces the 90s DIY grunge/punk counter-culture, unpolished and sincere. This retrospective is a gathering place for all fans and creators of independently-produced DIY video, installation art, zines, drawings, and ephemera.

Check out the videos at the top and bottom of the page to see footage from the show. Pop over to the ARTWORK, PHOTOS, and FLYERS sections of 30MOM.COM to see many of the pieces that were on display.

Artwork, Photography, and Video Art by

Jason Donovan
John Ryan
Joe Hornacek
Jesus Rivera
Tim Atwood
Julian Teachworth
Jerry White Jr.

Live MX-12 Video Installation

Calder Greenwood

DJ Sets by

Dr. Disko Dust & Demonbabies

V&T Art Show Crew

Trinity Shi
Kali Heitholt
Rachel Angelini
Heidi Hathaway
Lindsey Villarreal
Calder Greenwood
Jesus Rivera
John Ryan
Jerry White Jr.
Michael Newman
Nejat Merey


Two Boots
2-9 Café
Chichén Itzá Restaurant
Berkeley Avenue Productions
Arclight Cinemas
Downtown Independent
Caveman Kitchen

Curated by

Jerry White Jr.

Video edited by Jeremy Royce. Footage shot by Jeremy Royce, Will Jobe. MX-12 installation and footage by Calder Greenwood.

“Yesterday’s weirdness is tomorrow’s reason why.”

–Hunter S. Thompson